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Adoption Attorney Illinois is the local caring adoption professional.

 If you're looking to adopt, then you need to contact an adoption attorney. 


We are here to help you, and we provide our services near the great city of Chicago, IL. If you're ready to change your life for the better, then contact Adoption Attorney Illinois today.



Cities We


Chicago, IL
Northbrook, IL
Elmhurst, IL
Elk Grove Village, IL
Buffalo Grove, IL

1535 Riverview Ave,

Des Plaines, IL 60018


Tel:  (847) 795-1818


Sunday - Saturday

8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

about kw 1/2



Here at Adoption Attorney Illinois, we understand the many complex feelings that come along with adoption. We know that you need a caring adoption professional, and that is what you'll get. We have served many clients throughout Chicago, IL, Elk Grove Village, Buffalo Grove, and other local areas. As an adoption attorney, our job is to represent you and your interests to the best of our ability. We are here to take some of the stress off of you.


When something as important as adoption, it's important to ensure that every step is followed to the letter of the law. However, that is not all that we do. We know that it's an emotionally charged time and all parties must be treated with compassion and kindness. Each adoption attorney must always strive to be a caring adoption professional. When you hire our firm, we are always available to answer your questions and offer our support.


Whether you are adopting a child or putting one up for adoption, we can help. We understand that placing a child for adoption is difficult, as a birth parent, you want what is best for that child. Placing your child with a family who cannot have children is a selfless, caring thing for both the adoptive parents and the child. You will never face judgment here, or be met with anything other than admiration and respect for your decision.

When it comes to hiring an attorney, experience matters, and we have the experience you need to handle various types of adoptions. From step-parent adoptions to surrogacy, to family adoptions, and more, we have the experience needed to handle your adoption needs.

If you are thinking about adoption, give us a call today so we can provide you with the legal help that you need.

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